maintenance package


Carrier 10 Year Labour Warranty

With a purchase of a New Carrier central air conditioner or furnace unit the customer has the option to receive a 10 Year Carrier labour warranty by purchasing a maintenance plan for the entire 10 duration for the new Carrier Unit $149.99 per Season (Fall / Spring)

Climatec Mechanical Services, is now offering new insulation customers 10 year labor warranty on a Carrier equipment installed by Climatec Mechanical Services.

Qualified customers must purchase a maintenance package and continue with the maintenance package through the 10 years. We will maintain your unit twice a year. If you should cancel the Maintenance Contract the warranty will then be VOID. The Maintenance Contract is transferable to the new home owners if you happen to move.

Items not included:

Items as deemed consumables: Nitrogen / Refrigerant / Torches

Items Includes

Filter 16 x 25 x1 Pleated

Contact us at 519-971-2069 to get started.